Almost every parent encounters diaper rash at some point in the diapering years. 1 in 4 babies experience a diaper rash in their first month! It’s that common. Between time exploring the world, sick days (and nights), and trying out new foods, your baby’s bum is bound to get red and irritated at some point.
While they—and you—may be feeling uncomfortable, the bottom line is that it’s treatable with the right product. Read on to learn what causes diaper rash, how to treat it with Aquaphor Diaper Rash Cream, and when to call the doctor for severe diaper rash.
What is diaper rash?
When a baby’s bottom is wet or exposed to soiled diaper contents for a bit too long, and then encounters friction from the diaper rubbing against the skin, it’s a recipe for a diaper rash. The good news is that mild diaper rash is treatable and Aquaphor Baby is here to help.
Look out for these symptoms in the diaper area (genitals, buttocks, thighs):
- Slightly reddened skin
- The area may be warm to the touch
- There may be a few diaper rash spots, or a rash that covers the whole area
Your baby may also seem fussy or irritable, especially during diaper changes.
What causes diaper rash?
The most likely cause of diaper rash is a soggy, wet diaper. But there are other reasons your little one’s bum can become red and tender to the touch.
Learn what causes diaper rash and how you can avoid the triggers:
- Stool, urine, or illness: Your baby’s skin is very sensitive and can quickly become irritated by stool and urine. This can intensify when they are sick or have diarrhea.
- Friction: If your baby’s diaper or clothing is too tight, this can lead to chafing, rubbing, and irritation.
- New products: Have you recently switched to a new brand of diapers, wipes, laundry detergent, or lotions? Your child’s skin may be having a reaction.
- Teething: This growth stage causes many issues you wouldn’t expect. Loose stool is one of them, and this can trigger a rash.
- Starting solids or trying new foods: Changes in what your child eats can affect their stool. Or, if you’re breastfeeding, foods in your diet can impact your baby’s stool. When introducing them to a new food, it’s a good idea to do so over a few days and see how it goes. Learn more about foods that can cause diaper rash here.
- Antibiotics: Unfortunately, antibiotics can impact the healthy balance of bacteria in your baby’s gut. This can lead to a yeast infection or diarrhea—which may trigger diaper rash.
What does diaper rash look like?
The illustration below is meant to help you assess the severity of your baby’s rash.

How long does diaper rash last?
With home care, mild cases of diaper rash will typically go away within 2-3 days. More troublesome rashes can last longer and may require medical treatment.
Severe diaper rash and when to see a doctor
Many parents are hesitant to call their pediatrician for “just a diaper rash”. At Aquaphor Baby, we have identified the signs of severe diaper rash that indicate you should call your child’s doctor:
- If your child has open sores, raised red bumps, peeling or blisters in the diaper area.
- If the skin is inflamed, puffy and tender.
- If the skin is oozing or bleeding.
- If the rash spreads beyond the diaper area to the arms or face.
- If your baby develops a fever, which can indicate an infection.
- If the rash does not start to improve in two to three days, but rather seems to be worsening.
How to soothe diaper rash and prevent further irritation
One of the best ways to help prevent diaper rash is to change diapers frequently, but don’t fret if your baby develops a rash. There are steps you can take to relieve their discomfort.
Use Aquaphor Baby Diaper Rash Cream with every diaper change
The Aquaphor® Diaper Rash Cream contains zinc oxide to protect and help soothe irritated skin, which makes it a great diaper rash treatment. It starts to work as soon as you apply it, so use it at the first sign of redness. Aquaphor Baby is a pediatrician-recommended brand, and this formula is hypoallergenic, fragrance & paraben-free. Fragrances may further irritate your baby’s skin and make a diaper rash worse.
Use Aquaphor® Baby Diaper Rash Paste with 40% zinc oxide for fast soothing relief from more troublesome diaper rash. If the rash persists, call your pediatrician.
Go diaper-free
Expose your baby’s bottom to air as often as possible so it can air dry. An easy way to promote healthy air circulation around your baby’s bottom is to simply strip off their diaper and let them spend some time wearing nothing at all.
This is adorable, of course, but it can also be messy, so be sure to put down a protective towel, blanket, or other absorbent mat on the floor first.
Try a soothing soak instead of wipes
Wipes can leave a residue that can further irritate the skin. Instead of wiping and rubbing your baby’s diaper area clean, give their bottom a quick soak in warm water mixed with a gentle, fragrance-free wash like Aquaphor® Baby Wash & Shampoo.
Pat dry using a soft towel. When you’re on the go, use a water-based, alcohol- and fragrance-free wipe.
Ask the doctor for help
During your baby’s first year, you’ll be at the pediatrician’s office a lot. They can advise you on just about anything (including diaper rash treatment) whenever you need it, even if that means making a special visit to have your baby seen.
Any diaper rash that doesn’t clear up in a few days, or gets worse, warrants a call to the doctor.
Protect their sensitive skin with Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment
Prevention is the best diaper rash treatment. Even better than treating diaper rash is preventing it from happening in the first place.
At every diaper change, apply a layer of Aquaphor® Baby Healing Ointment as a protective barrier against moisture, which can help prevent diaper rashes from starting in the first place. Plus, since the ointment is clear it won’t leave a white mess under your nails!
How to change a baby’s diaper
Trying to keep a baby with diaper rash calm during diaper changes can take some serious work. And who can blame a kid for being cranky when she’s in so much discomfort? Sadly, once the rash occurs, it takes some time to clear.
Thankfully, you can help make an unpleasant time more bearable for your little one by following these tips:
- A good distraction can work wonders for a child in discomfort. Grab their most mesmerizing toy – you know, the one you’ve been tempted to remove the batteries from – and fire up the lights and sound effects. Make funny faces. Talk in silly voices. Channel your inner clown to make a painful diaper change go by quickly.
- Speak with a relaxed and calm voice, giving your baby a play-by-play of what you are doing as you change their diaper. The first impression your baby had of you was through your voice. Your voice has been the thing soothing your baby from the very beginning, and you can use that to your advantage when your little one needs some extra comfort. The words you choose aren’t what’s important – it’s about showing your baby that you are calm, and everything will be all right.
- Turn on some relaxing music as music can be a soothing distraction as well. The sounds and rhythms may capture their attention and help them relax.
- Apply Aquaphor® Diaper Rash Cream to soothe and treat diaper rash, while providing a protective layer to help prevent further chafing and discomfort. The formula is hypoallergenic, paraben & fragrance-free and it goes on and cleans off easily – making diaper changes more comfortable for your baby.
The information provided herein is not intended to be medical advice. Nor is it intended to treat the underlying skin disease or condition. The information is provided solely to:
1. Moisturize, soften and smooth dry skin
2. Improve the appearance of the skin
3. Achieve healthier-looking skin